;Математические функции ;sin(angle) Sine of the angle ;cos(angle) Cosine of the angle ;tang(angle) Tangent of the angle ;asin(real) Arcsine of the number; the number must be between –1 and 1 ;acos(real) Arccosine of the number; the number must be between –1 and 1 ;atan(real) Arctangent of the number ;ln(real) Natural log of the number ;log(real) Base-10 log of the number ;exp(real) Natural exponent of the number ;exp10(real) Base-10 exponent of the number ;sqr(real) Square of the number ;sqrt(real) Square root of the number; the number must be nonnegative ;abs(real) Absolute value of the number ;round(real) Number rounded to the nearest integer ;trunc(real) Integer portion of the number ;r2d(angle) Angles in radians converted to degrees; for example, r2d(pi) converts the constant pi to 180 degrees ;d2r(angle) Angles in degrees converted to radians; for example, d2r(180) converts 180 degrees to radians and returns the value of the constant pi (arxload "geomcal.arx" "File geomcal.arx not found") (defun dov_function_cal (f z) (cal (strcat f "(" (rtos z 2 2) ")")) ) ; Примеры выполнения функции: ;(dov_function_cal "round" 5.27) ;(dov_function_cal "tang" 1.5) ;(dov_function_cal "exp10" 3.2) ;(dov_function_cal "sin" 31) Значение аргумента - в градусах ;(dov_function_cal "sin" (dov_function_cal "r2d" 1)) Значение аргумента в радианах